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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 26, Issue 4, pp. 1089-1448

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Adaptive Geometric Integrators for Hamiltonian Problems with Approximate Scale Invariance

S. Blanes and C. J. Budd

pp. 1089-1113

The Splitting Method as a Tool for Multiple Damage Analysis

Ivo Babuska and Börje Andersson

pp. 1114-1145

Multilevel Solvers for Unstructured Surface Meshes

Burak Aksoylu, Andrei Khodakovsky, and Peter Schröder

pp. 1146-1165

Locally Divergence-preserving Upwind Finite Volume Schemes for Magnetohydrodynamic Equations

Manuel Torrilhon

pp. 1166-1191

A New Finite Element Gradient Recovery Method: Superconvergence Property

Zhimin Zhang and Ahmed Naga

pp. 1192-1213

Fourth-Order Time-Stepping for Stiff PDEs

Aly-Khan Kassam and Lloyd N. Trefethen

pp. 1214-1233

Comparison Criteria for Parallel Orderings in ILU Preconditioning

Takeshi Iwashita, Yuuichi Nakanishi, and Masaaki Shimasaki

pp. 1234-1260

Parallel Multilevel Tetrahedral Grid Refinement

Sven Gross and Arnold Reusken

pp. 1261-1288

Block SOR Preconditioned Projection Methods for Kronecker Structured Markovian Representations

Peter Buchholz and Tugrul Dayar

pp. 1289-1313

Generalized Green's Functions and the Effective Domain of Influence

Donald Estep, Michael Holst, and Mats Larson

pp. 1314-1339

An Effective Implementation of Surface Tension Using the Marker and Cell Method for Axisymmetric and Planar Flows

Norberto Mangiavacchi, Antonio Castelo, Murilo F. Tomé, José A. Cuminato, Maria Luísa Bambozzi de Oliveira, and Sean McKee

pp. 1340-1368

Real-Time Computational Algorithm for Optimal Control of an MHD Flow System

S. S. Ravindran

pp. 1369-1388

On the Compression of Low Rank Matrices

H. Cheng, Z. Gimbutas, P. G. Martinsson, and V. Rokhlin

pp. 1389-1404

Robust Stopping Criteria for Dykstra's Algorithm

Ernesto G. Birgin and Marcos Raydan

pp. 1405-1414

A Class of High Resolution Difference Schemes for Nonlinear Hamilton--Jacobi Equations with Varying Time and Space Grids

Huazhong Tang and Gerald Warnecke

pp. 1415-1431

Stability of the Adjoint Differential-Algebraic Equation of the Index-3 Multibody System Equation of Motion

Andrei Schaffer

pp. 1432-1448